The Seekers Method™
The Seekers Method™ is a simple approach to finding and releasing tension in the body. It is focused on identifying restrictions in the long chains of fascia that connect muscle groups along planes of movement. These ‘myofascial meridians’ roughly correlate with the acupuncture meridians described thousands of years ago in Traditional Chinese Medicine texts.
Restrictions in fascia, also referred to as blockages, may contribute to the inflammation and stress which are linked to chronic pain and many other chronic diseases. Using movement, breath, touch and awareness, The Seekers Method™ is a technique that allows patients to target their self-care efforts to specific areas in their own unique bodies. It is easy to learn, requires no equipment and can be done anywhere, anytime.
The blockage theory of disease has been described by many of the world’s healing traditions, but has not been described by science. It may represent a significant advance in the history of medicine, and sharing it has become one of the main goals of Dr. Nahas’s medical career. We encourage you to learn more about blockages and The Seekers Method™.

Seekers Falls
Seekers Falls was conceived as a truly memorable experience in a unique and powerful place in nature. Hidden in a valley in the hills near the Central Pacific coast of Costa Rica, pristine water travels along a series of beautiful waterfalls where two rivers meet.
The feeling that one gets in this special place is truly a unique and special experience. From his first visit, Dr. Richard Nahas had a vision to share this experience with others. Using custom built therapy platforms designed by award-winning architect Benjamin Garcia Saxe, custom built therapy platforms that emulate the structure of water connect several waterfalls, creating an environment for a day of healing, learning, play and adventure.
Additionally, a biodynamic farming project, student exchange program and botanical garden of medicinal plants offers an experience that will uplift, educate and inspire guests.
The elegant platforms echo the structure of water, and glamping cabins, a biodynamic farming project, a student exchange program and a botanical garden of medicinal plants support the vision of Seekers Falls as a place that will uplift, educate and inspire visitors and guests.
BEAM Project
There is an overall lack of evidence supporting Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). While many natural treatments have been used for centuries and many have been shown effective in clinical trials, these are typically not large or rigorous enough for doctors to consider them ‘proven’. Problems with lack of funding, study design, standardizing treatments and appropriate placebos make it unlikely that this will ever change. Observational data, which is evidence from real-world use of a treatment, has the potential to help solve this global problem. With the growing use of mobile technology, it has become possible to collect data on CAM use from both patients and providers at the point of care.
BEAM (Bringing Evidence to Alternative Medicine) is a project that enables documenting treatments and patient’s progress through the development and use of a mobile app. This will allow for the crowdsourcing of clinical outcomes data at the point of care to help patients better navigate CAM treatment options more safely and effectively. Aggregate data collected through the BEAM project will serve as a resource to global healthcare.
With the BEAM project, the Seekers Centre is developing these tools and evaluating their potential to gather outcomes data and improve care.